Saturday, October 1, 2011

7 months

Cohen is now 7 months

The past 7 months have flown by but I have loved every minute of it.

He is now rolling around everywhere. Loves his food and his sleep (much like his daddy)
He is always happy and is content to play on his mat with his toys.
He is on 2 solid meals a day. Lunch and dinner. 
He is also still breast fed four times a day. 
Still no more teeth popping out.
At the moment his favourite things to do are 
Suck his bottom lip
Blow raspberries
Push himself up with his arms.
Roll and roll and roll and roll. (he pretty much makes it from one side of the room to the other.)
Giggle and laugh.

He is never short of a smile.

It's hard to explain the joy and love a child brings to your heart and home. 

My heart still aches as I remember our journey and when I think about all the people who struggle with this still today. And I don't ever think I will forget that ache.
Sometimes I look at Cohen and just cry knowing how blessed we are! 

I pray that God will bless all those who would love to have children of their own. I pray that He will surround them with His love and His care and make their hearts not ache anymore.

I pray that God will bless all parents who have children. 
I pray that these parents cherish their children and love them unconditionally. 
I pray that all parents pray!
Pray that we can love our children the way God loves us! 


  1. He is adorable Hailz! You're looking great too :) Can't believe he is so big already... time is flying!

    *Thanks for the prayers... xx I pray too that you'll continue to be the beautiful parents you are to little Cohen

  2. Hey Hayley,
    Beautiful photos, beautiful words xx
    Reminds me that we still have a gift for Cohen - 7 months later, tsk tsk. It's always in my car now, we just need to bump into you'se sometime soon! And it's not clothing anymore cos it was too hard making sure it would still fit every month :) Love, Liana
