Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The cold is not my friend ..

As of late I have two new best friends. 

My heat packs and Codral cold & flu.

The flu season has hit us pretty hard this year. It started with Jason having tonsilitus last week, which with some antibiotics has been healed up. But tonsilitus or not he also has a cold which he in turn gave to me. Now I would like to think I am not complaining just expressing a little frustration at having been stuck at home for the past week with a head that feels like a medicine ball a nose that runs like a tap and a body that just wants to sleep while in my mind I know there is so much to do. 

Well on Tuesday night we were home delivered a bowl of SCRUMPTIOUS pumpkin soup. My sister (Alyssa) made some pumpkin soup and her lovely husband Murray came and dropped it off. We had it for dinner last night and man it was DELICIOUS. It went down so nice. A hot bowl of soup with some bake at home rolls filled with butter. (so bad for you but I don't care:)

The week has also had its good points. I chatted with Bron, Owen, Ella & Sami twice this week. We have made plans to finish the house of. We started a WASGIJ puzzle. I have payed all the bills. I have completed all the bank recons for tax time and have made an appointment with the accountant. I have renewed all our insurances and ticked a whole pile of other things off the TO DO list. 

Hope you all have had a good and blessed week.

Back soon.



  1. Hope you and Jason get over your colds quickly!! nothing worse then being stuck indoors :(
    love candy

  2. Aaaah, you're so LOVING your new heat packs!!! Getting good value for money ;) ~unfortunately~ Hope you feel better soon! love lieschen x
